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Top 4 Benefits of Cloud Storage

Many businesses have already switched over to cloud storage because of its relatively low cost and ability to backup large amounts of data. But still, not all companies use cloud storage and some are still researching it and weighing its benefits. If your company is considering using cloud storage, but are still unsure and have not yet made a decision, consider the top four benefits of using a cloud storage service, according to a Vault Worthy article:

Manages data loss risk

Traditional backup methods, such as tape backup, will eventually fail. It’s not a worst case scenario, but a guarantee of the technology’s short lifeline. Cloud storage regularly backs up new data and in the case of a disaster, can restore it in minutes, ultimately avoiding business downtime.

Saves your business money

By using cloud storage, your business will ultimately save on growing IT repair costs. You only need to purchase as much storage as your business needs, and you can later change that option if need be.

Increases business capacity

One of the most important features of cloud storage is its unlimited growth potential. In addition to freeing up your company’s storage space, your business operations will no longer be limited by a finite amount of storage.

Promotes mobility and flexibility

With traditional backup methods, you can only access your company’s data and documents from within the office. But with cloud storage, you can access your data from any device as long as it has company permission and Internet capabilities. With this feature, your company can become more efficient as you’ll no longer be tied down to your office while working.

Medianova is the biggest content delivery network in Turkey and the Middle East, and in addition to providing music, Internet TV, and live streaming, we also provide cloud storage services. If you are interested in learning more about cloud storage, contact us.

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