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Site Acceleration Service: More Important Than Ever

Google rolled out its latest algorithm changes in late May, 2013. With the advent of Penguin 2.0, version 4, it is clear that image and site acceleration service is more important than ever.

Whether you’re into  E-Commerce, digital advertising, the gaming industry, or any number and combination of web application hosting services, you want your site to load as efficiently and as swiftly as possible.

In the face of an enormous amount of competition on the Internet, a web application or an e-commerce site must load at top speeds to achieve those optimal conversion rates and provide a satisfactory web experience for the casual user.

That’s where a service such as Medianova Application Acceleration comes in.

Medianova understands that in the website acceleration arena,”milliseconds” count. Their expertise and knowledge of technical aspects such as distributive storage systems, I/O acceleration cards, fiber networks, dynamic traffic routing and delivery platforms help streamline your company’s data delivery and content delivery, no matter if you’re using Javascript, flash, jpeg, pdf files or any number of various  digital media.

The results? 

  • Your site will download faster, no matter the geographic location of the user. 
  • Your site will experience better conversion rates.
  • You’ll be able to offload network and bandwidth to the CDN and thus lower your costs.
  • You’ll be able to devote precious time to growing your business rather than troubleshooting your site and fiddling around with technical issues.

Medianova is the biggest content delivery network in Turkey and the Middle East. Its professionals know what it takes to get your content from where it resides to where it is needed in the safest, quickest, most reliable manner possible.

Contact us to see how we can help assess your content delivery requirements.

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