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New Generation Web Compression Method Brotli!

There’s been a lot of review on the internet over Google’s new compression algorithm Brotli, released in September of 2016. Part of the review has been over how it can improve data transfer speeds by quickly reducing the file size of HTML, JavaScript and CSS elements for website developers. A smaller file size means that websites will load more quickly and with less data used. And when it comes to high-volume files, even small reductions can result in less strain on servers and data networks, as well as providing customers with the speed they are looking for on their website. This is especially relevant for mobile users, whose data plans may limit their internet use, but as well as the internet users at every level.

brotli_cdnAs the CDN leader in Turkey and the Middle East, Brotli compression excites Medianova with what this compression algorithm can do for our customers. For the internet creators who use the new Brotli compression, users across our networks will be able to use less data to access the same webpages that they come to rely upon. Smaller data size means less strain on our already fast networks, further improving your Medianova internet experience.

In a recent series of tests, Brotli outperformed the main leader in internet data compression, GZIP, in every category chosen. While Brotli’s default compression setting is for the highest quality — and thus is comparatively slow, in contrast with a setting meant to compress as quickly as possible — when used against GZIP at similar data settings, Brotli outperformed GZIP in terms both of speed and quality of compression. For example, for compressing HTML files, Brotli’s median savings was 82% compared to GZIP’s 78%. While this may only be a 4% improvement, when taken in aggregate across hundreds of thousands or millions of data transfers, a 4% reduction is substantial. Medianova’s CDN system handles far more transfers than this; the impact is therefore wide-reaching for our customers.


The speed at which the two compression algorithms operate likewise falls in favor of Brotli. At GZIP’s default compression setting, the closest comparable Brotli setting manages to compress 21% faster than GZIP does. The outcome is that not only does Brotli compression manage to squeeze the average file size down a bit more, but it does so much more quickly than GZIP does. As Brotli will soon be native to Chrome web browsers, the standard web browser for any Android phone, and a popular personal computer browser overall, Brotli’s functionality right from the start can also be paired with a large share of the internet market, making the internet faster and more efficient for both users and providers.

Medianova always makes the effort to push for the fastest, most reliable internet service for our customers. Brotli compression promises to help us in our goal. To keep abreast of the latest trends in telecommunications and join with Turkey and the Middle East’s biggest CDN provider, contact us now.

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