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Growth in the Global Content Delivery Network Market

There are various benefits of content delivery networks for businesses; for a low cost, businesses can store large amounts of data and access it using any device with Internet capabilities. Content delivery networks ultimately help firms improve their day-to-day operations by providing more efficient and convenient access to information. Because of the many benefits of content delivery networks, they have become more prevalent in the past few years and are predicted to continue growing in the global market.

Medianova content delivery network
Medianova CDN

In their recent report, research firm Markets and Markets reported that the global content delivery market is experiencing strong growth and is currently valued at $2.5 billion. In addition, they predict that the market will grow to be $7.4 billion in 2017, representing a compound annual growth rate of 24.6 percent.

While there are some concerns about traffic load increases and failing servers, the report argues that this is now a nonissue because of Quality of Service:

“Content Delivery Networks (CDN) has developed to counter these limitations of Internet for delivering Quality of Service (QoS) when users access online content. CDNs provide advanced internet infrastructure that is needed to deliver web content proficiently. CDN technologies offer faster delivery of web pages and video content requested by the user with a benefit of network optimization and low bandwidth cost.”

In addition to reporting the overall growth of the global content delivery network market, the report also noted the growth in different regions. While North America still represents the largest share of the market at 64.1 percent, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow at the fastest rate over the few years at a compound annual growth rate of 35.8 percent, ultimately reaching $1.4 billion in 2017.

The strength of the content delivery network market signals that businesses that use the service are satisfied with it, and new businesses are seeing the potential impact that it can have on their operations. If you would like more information about content delivery networks, or are interested in improving your business’ storage and access of data, contact us.

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