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Netflix admits: ‘We compete with (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO’

Some new data on the gaming industry put into context just how dominant Fortnite has become in the entertainment world. In fact, It may be the most popular game in video game history. The company has grown to more than 200 million players and is still going up.

For every entertainment company, Fortnite is an alarming threat. In fact, the competition has gone beyond subscribers or views numbers and has become more complex and multilayered. The battle has now shifted to how much of a household or individual’s available screen time an entertainment platform is able to command. With only 24 hours a day, an individual has only a few hours to consume specific contents.

Netflix, the giant of OTT industry reported in a recent shareholder letter that  “In the US, we earn around 10% of television screen time and less than that of mobile screen time”. Adding up “We earn consumer screen time, both mobile and television, away from a very broad set of competitors.’’

We compete with (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO. When YouTube went down globally for a few minutes in October 2018, our viewing and signups spiked for that time.”

“There are thousands of competitors in this highly-fragmented market vying to entertain consumers and low barriers to entry for those with great experiences.”

If Netflix is competing with -and being disrupted by- Fortnite, this means that cross-platform compatibility and multi-faceted experience is having the upper hand in the digital entertainment world today. So either a company is performing in the gaming or in the streaming landscape, the need for agile and secure content delivery has become, not only critical but vital to be able to stand a chance in the entertainment market.

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