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Content Encryption with a Content Delivery Network

Accessing content through the Internet is convenient and beneficial for businesses. Instead of having to purchase each bit of content, businesses can simply stream it from a content delivery network. In addition, businesses don’t need to keep purchasing hardware in order to have enough storage.

Making sure the content is secure, however, is of the utmost importance. There are simply too many cyber threats out there today that can damage a business’s data or hardware. Accessing unsecured content is too risky for everyday business practices.

The best protection against hackers is encryption. Encrypting content is a security practice that keeps information safe so that businesses can safely stream content.

This Tech Republic article explains why it’s so important for data to be encrypted, whether it’s business or personal related. According to the article, data is the last wall of defense between users and cyber criminals:

“Encryption is your last defense against malicious security crackers violating your privacy. When all other means of protecting the data on your computer prove fruitless, encryption is the last barrier against your most sensitive data being accessible to people who simply should not have it.”

Before choosing a content delivery network, businesses should be sure that the data will be secured and encrypted. If not, it’s not just dangerous for the CDN, but for all the clients as well.

At Medianova, we practice content encryption so that businesses can safely access our content. During the encoding and streaming process, our content is secured with special algorithms. In addition, we provide an additional level of security by using a special key to hash the URL of the content. This ensures security and protection for both your business and our content.

If you would like more information about content delivery networks that practice content encryption, contact us.

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