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Encoding for Video Distribution Over the Internet

Agreeing that you do not understand what encoding is. Gives reason to studying it in order to comprehend why it is important when converting video into digital formats that enable online streaming to occur. The encoding determines how the video image looks i.e. the clarity of the picture during the video stream or playback. When we consider that not all video is created in a single format this put further importance on the way a given video is converted for digital play.

The DVD and Blu-ray discs are two examples of digital formatting. Moreover, when we venture into online formats things begin to become a bit more complicated. This does not mean that video conversion is difficult. It means that the original format may have to change to accommodate a better quality play back or stream. Let us clarify that by stream or streaming, we are talking about a prerecorded video as would be found on YouTube and other video websites. In addition, there are live video streams where the equipment records the video directly into the required format for the particular website.

Some of the formats that video comes in are MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and Mp4 while others are the Windows WMV or the RealMedia RM, RMVB, for example. The play back formats or the final product come in the form of the Blu-ray/DVD as mentioned above. At the same time, however, the videos you watch on your Tablets, Smartphone’s, and computers go through the encoding process that facilitate the availability for these devices. The reason is different browsers support different formats, similar to the different video players found throughout the internet like Real Player, Quick Time Player, and Windows Media Player.

Each corresponds to a different format as well as the browsers capabilities to handle specific types. This is why changing the format through encoding becomes necessary. In reconfiguring the video format, the video can be seen on multiple platforms specifically through the encoding process.

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