Black Friday 2018 Stats: Impacts on E-Commerce
Black Friday is becoming one of the most “celebrated” days during the festive season, bringing nearly the same amount of joy to both consumers and brands as Christmas. Well, we can not blame them with the significant impact of this “Crazy Friday” on brand turnovers; and for consumers, discounts are always something to celebrate!
Take a look at our infographic to see the real impacts of Black Friday 2018 in Turkey, with some interesting fact and numbers.
This impact on the industries is as following:
-The highest traffic peak was observed in household appliance, durable goods and consumer electronics categories.
-Automotive and real estate categories haven’t created much of a traffic this year
-Luxury home textile category has seen the highest peak with a 575% increase
-Online Jewellery sector has seen a 69% increase in sales.
-The increase rate on children’s toys has dropped compared to last year. This category has seen a 110% sales increase this year.
-Metasearch and price listing websites generated a traffic increase between 1
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