Explore our comprehensive security and performance portfolio to find your ideal package.

Yearly (save 20%)


Static CDN Our global network of edge servers ensures that your website content is delivered from the nearest location to your visitors, reducing latency and improving performance.

Dynamic CDN Optimize both static and dynamic content with our Dynamic CDN, which improves website performance by seamlessly managing image and content delivery.

TCP Acceleration Enhance website performance by accelerating the TCP settings, reducing latency and improving throughput with custom-tuned TCP optimizations.

Query String Caching Cache each unique combination of query parameters individually to optimize the storage and retrieval of dynamic content. This feature ensures faster load times and responsive content delivery by efficiently delivering cached content tailored to specific query variations.

Cache Bypass wt Header Bypass the cache based on specific headers to optimize the delivery of dynamic content and ensure real-time updates are reflected instantly.

Custom Error Page Deliver custom error pages from your origin server when standard HTTP error responses are generated, providing a seamless user experience.

Page Rules Customize your content delivery and security settings on a page-by-page basis. With Page Rules, you can set up URL forwarding, manage caching settings, enforce SSL connections, and more, providing precise control over how the CDN interacts with your site.

Cache Bypass On Cookie Bypass the cache based on specific cookies to ensure personalized content delivery without compromising CDN performance and scalability.

Purge Remove cached content from all edge locations with the Purge feature, ensuring that updated content is immediately reflected across the CDN.

Prefetch Efficiently store content locally to minimize repeated requests to your origin server, speeding up content delivery for end users.

Disallow Cache Rule Specify URLs or patterns that should not be cached by the CDN to ensure real-time data delivery and up-to-date content for your users.

Stream Stream live videos efficiently using advanced multicast transmission and network optimization technologies, ensuring a smooth viewing experience with minimal lag.

Origin Settings

Origin Server Manage how your content is fetched from the origin server, including specifying cacheable and non-cacheable content, compression settings, and origin failover rules.

Advanced Origin Customize advanced origin settings for optimal performance and reliability, including header management, custom caching rules, and load balancing.

Rewrite Origin Urls Transform dynamic URLs into cacheable URLs by rewriting them to improve cache efficiency and content delivery performance.

Redirect Handle from Origin Manage origin redirections effectively by configuring request headers and adding custom values. This feature ensures that redirection errors from the origin server are handled appropriately, maintaining request integrity and optimizing content delivery.

CNAME Setup Use CNAME records to set up your CDN configuration, simplifying DNS management and ensuring seamless content delivery.

Certificate Management

Bring Your Own SSL Certificate Upload and manage your own SSL/TLS certificates to secure connections between the CDN and your web server, ensuring maximum security for your content delivery.

HTTP/2 Enable HTTP/2 for faster, more efficient, and secure communication by reducing latency and improving page load speeds through header compression and multiplexing.

HTTP/3 Enhance the speed, efficiency, and security of HTTP requests by enabling HTTP/3, which leverages the QUIC transport protocol for improved performance and reduced latency.

Let’s Encrypt Automatically generate and renew SSL/TLS certificates with Let’s Encrypt, ensuring your website remains secure without manual intervention.


Edge Cache Expiry Optimize content delivery by caching frequently accessed content at the edge, reducing load on the origin server and improving performance for end users.

Browser Cache Rule Manage how browsers cache your website content by defining parameters such as cache expiration times, cache control headers, and more, to optimize user experience and server load.

E-Tag Verification Verify content changes by using ETags to ensure that cached resources match the current version, reducing unnecessary downloads and improving cache efficiency.

Robots.txt file Manage search engine crawling and indexing by configuring a Robots.txt file, ensuring that only the desired content is indexed while reducing bandwidth usage.

Error Status Code Cache Expiration Set specific HTTP status codes to cache or not cache at the edge, ensuring that your website responds correctly to various types of requests and errors.

Tiered Cache Improve cache hit ratios by creating multiple layers of cache, optimizing performance by fetching frequently accessed data from closer caches.

Shared Cache Enhance performance by sharing cached resources across multiple users or accounts, reducing redundancy and improving content delivery efficiency.

Stale Cache Manage the scale and duration of cached content to balance between fresh content delivery and reduced server load, ensuring optimal performance.

Customization & Optimization

Image Optimization Automatically optimize images for the web by resizing, compressing, and converting them to the most efficient formats without compromising quality.

Image Resizing Automatically adjust the dimensions of images to meet specific size requirements without altering the aspect ratio. This optimization ensures efficient content delivery and a consistent user experience across different devices and display contexts.

WebP Optimization Automatically convert images to WebP format for improved performance and reduced file sizes, enhancing load times without sacrificing image quality.

AVIF Optimization Optimize images by converting them to the AVIF format, achieving smaller file sizes and faster load times while maintaining high image quality.

Gzip Image Compression Reduce image file sizes through advanced compression techniques without compromising visual quality, resulting in faster load times and reduced bandwidth usage.

Brotli Compression Enhance text content delivery with Brotli compression, achieving better compression ratios than traditional methods for faster load times and reduced data usage.

Gzip Text Compression Compress text-based content such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files using the gzip algorithm. This compression reduces file sizes, improves load times, and enhances website performance by minimizing bandwidth usage.


Always Use HTTPS Automatically redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS, ensuring that your website is always served securely and protecting sensitive data from potential threats.

Origin Basic Authentication Protect your content with Basic Authentication, requiring a username and password for access, providing an additional layer of security.

Security Token Secure your content by processing only links that contain the specified security token. This feature provides an additional layer of security, ensuring that only authorized requests can access and retrieve content, protecting against unauthorized access and potential abuse.

Basic Bot Protection Block globally recognized bad bots to protect your assets and maintain strict access control measures. This feature enhances security by preventing bot-driven attacks and unauthorized resource usage.

Hotlink Protection Prevent unauthorized usage of your resources by enabling Hotlink Protection, which blocks external websites from linking directly to your content and consuming your bandwidth.

User Agent Rules Create custom rules based on User-Agent strings to tailor content delivery and security settings for different types of devices and browsers.

IP Restriction Rules Control access to your content by defining IP address ranges that are allowed or denied, providing an extra layer of security for your website.

Geo Blocking Customize access to your content based on geographic locations. Specify countries to either whitelist (allow access) or blacklist (block access), providing control over where your content is accessible and enhancing security measures.

Geo Blocking – IP Restriction Restrict access to your content based on geographic location by defining IP restrictions, ensuring that your content is accessible only in authorized regions.

Rate Limiting (IP-based) Protect your resources from abuse by limiting the number of requests from specific IP addresses, preventing excessive load and ensuring consistent performance.

Rate Limiting Rules Create custom rate limiting rules to control the flow of traffic to your website, protecting against spikes in usage and ensuring consistent performance.

True Client IP Header Identify the original client IP address behind a proxy or firewall by enabling the True Client IP Header, providing accurate analytics and security measures.

Standard DDoS Protection Safeguard your infrastructure against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks with our Standard DDoS Protection, ensuring that your website remains online and responsive during attacks.


CORS Header Control cross-origin resource sharing by enabling CORS headers, ensuring that your resources are accessible only from authorized domains.

Custom Header Create and manage custom HTTP header rules to tailor content delivery and security settings to your specific needs.

WEB Application Firewall (WAF)

Number of Custom WAF Rules Create custom WAF rules to tailor security policies to your specific requirements, blocking malicious traffic and ensuring that your website remains secure.

Security Analytics Gain insights into security threats and trends with our comprehensive security analytics, helping you understand and mitigate potential risks to your website.

WAF Attack Score – ML Detection Leverage machine learning to detect and block sophisticated attacks in real-time with our WAF Attack Score, providing an additional layer of protection for your website.

Monitoring only WAF Operation Mode Monitor and manage your WAF settings in real-time, adjusting policies and configurations as needed to maintain optimal security and performance.


Global Anycast DNS Enhance DNS performance and reliability with our Global Anycast DNS, which routes requests to the nearest DNS server, reducing latency and improving response times.

Dashboard, User and API Access

Multi-user Administrative Access Allow multiple administrators to manage and configure your CDN settings with Multi-user Administrative Access, ensuring efficient and collaborative management.

API Access Control access to your CDN settings through APIs, enabling automated management and integration with your existing workflows.

Role-based Access Control Define specific roles and permissions for different users with Role-based Access Control, ensuring that each user has the appropriate level of access to perform their tasks.

Read-only User Access Provide read-only access to certain users, allowing them to view configurations and settings without making changes, ensuring transparency and security.

Multi-org Setup Allows to manage multiple organizations within a single account. Each organization can have its own set of users, settings, and resources, enabling to maintain distinct operational environments.

Insights & Analytics

Analytics Gain comprehensive insights into your CDN traffic and performance with our detailed analytics and reporting tools, helping you make informed decisions to optimize your website.

Real Time Log Push Receive real-time logs of your CDN traffic with Real Time Log Push, providing instant visibility into your content delivery and performance metrics.


ISO 27001 Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations with our comprehensive compliance features, including ISO 27001, PCI DSS 3.2, and more.

PCI DSS 3.2 Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations with our comprehensive compliance features, including ISO 27001, PCI DSS 3.2, and more.


Ticket Support Manage support requests efficiently with our Ticket Support System, which tracks and resolves issues in a timely manner.

Online Chat Support Get instant help with our Online Chat Support, connecting you directly with our support team for quick resolution of your issues.

Slack Support Integrate our support directly into your existing Slack workspace for a seamless communication experience. A dedicated private Slack channel allows for rapid, asynchronous communication with our technical support team, facilitating collaborative troubleshooting and swift responses to user queries.

24/7 Phone Support Access round-the-clock technical support via a dedicated phone line. Our support engineers are available at any time to provide immediate assistance for critical issues, ensuring expert guidance and rapid resolution of high-priority incidents.

Initial Ticket Response Time Receive a prompt response to your support tickets with our guaranteed initial response time, ensuring that your issues are addressed quickly.

Uptime SLA Commit to maintaining a specified 100% service availability with our Uptime SLA (Service Level Agreement). Our robust infrastructure, proactive monitoring, and rapid incident response protocols ensure minimal downtime, maximizing reliability and operational consistency.

CSM-Led Onboarding Benefit from guided onboarding led by a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM). Enterprise customers receive tailored setup assistance, including detailed walkthroughs, configuration guidance, and best practice recommendations to optimize the initial deployment and integration of our services.

Dedicated CSM and SE Collaborate with a Dedicated Customer Success Manager and Solutions Architect to optimize your CDN setup and ensure that you achieve your performance and security goals.



100 per day


2 h

2 h

5 m


1 day

60 days


250 per day

50 per day




1 h

1 h

2 m

Paid add-on

Paid add-on

Paid add-on





1 day

90 days

Within 24 hours

Within 24 hours


5000 per day

1000 per day



Static CDN Our global network of edge servers ensures that your website content is delivered from the nearest location to your visitors, reducing latency and improving performance.

Dynamic CDN Optimize both static and dynamic content with our Dynamic CDN, which improves website performance by seamlessly managing image and content delivery.

Stream Stream live videos efficiently using advanced multicast transmission and network optimization technologies, ensuring a smooth viewing experience with minimal lag. X

Purge Remove cached content from all edge locations with the Purge feature, ensuring that updated content is immediately reflected across the CDN. 100 per day

Prefetch Efficiently store content locally to minimize repeated requests to your origin server, speeding up content delivery for end users. X

Cache Bypass On Cookie Bypass the cache based on specific cookies to ensure personalized content delivery without compromising CDN performance and scalability. 1

Query String Caching Cache each unique combination of query parameters individually to optimize the storage and retrieval of dynamic content. This feature ensures faster load times and responsive content delivery by efficiently delivering cached content tailored to specific query variations. X

Cache Bypass wt Header Bypass the cache based on specific headers to optimize the delivery of dynamic content and ensure real-time updates are reflected instantly. X

Page Rules Customize your content delivery and security settings on a page-by-page basis. With Page Rules, you can set up URL forwarding, manage caching settings, enforce SSL connections, and more, providing precise control over how the CDN interacts with your site. 5

TCP Acceleration Enhance website performance by accelerating the TCP settings, reducing latency and improving throughput with custom-tuned TCP optimizations.

Custom Error Page Deliver custom error pages from your origin server when standard HTTP error responses are generated, providing a seamless user experience. X

Disallow Cache Rule Specify URLs or patterns that should not be cached by the CDN to ensure real-time data delivery and up-to-date content for your users. X

Origin Settings

Origin Server Manage how your content is fetched from the origin server, including specifying cacheable and non-cacheable content, compression settings, and origin failover rules. 1

Advanced Origin Customize advanced origin settings for optimal performance and reliability, including header management, custom caching rules, and load balancing. X

Rewrite Origin URLs Transform dynamic URLs into cacheable URLs by rewriting them to improve cache efficiency and content delivery performance. X

Redirect Handle From Origin Manage origin redirections effectively by configuring request headers and adding custom values. This feature ensures that redirection errors from the origin server are handled appropriately, maintaining request integrity and optimizing content delivery.

CNAME Setup Use CNAME records to set up your CDN configuration, simplifying DNS management and ensuring seamless content delivery. X

Certificate Management

Bring Your Own SSL Certificate Upload and manage your own SSL/TLS certificates to secure connections between the CDN and your web server, ensuring maximum security for your content delivery.

HTTP/2 Enable HTTP/2 for faster, more efficient, and secure communication by reducing latency and improving page load speeds through header compression and multiplexing.

HTTP/3 Enhance the speed, efficiency, and security of HTTP requests by enabling HTTP/3, which leverages the QUIC transport protocol for improved performance and reduced latency. X

Let’s Encrypt Automatically generate and renew SSL/TLS certificates with Let’s Encrypt, ensuring your website remains secure without manual intervention.


Edge Cache Expiry Optimize content delivery by caching frequently accessed content at the edge, reducing load on the origin server and improving performance for end users. 2 h

Browser Cache Rule Manage how browsers cache your website content by defining parameters such as cache expiration times, cache control headers, and more, to optimize user experience and server load. 2 h

E-Tag Verification Verify content changes by using ETags to ensure that cached resources match the current version, reducing unnecessary downloads and improving cache efficiency. X

Robots.txt file Manage search engine crawling and indexing by configuring a Robots.txt file, ensuring that only the desired content is indexed while reducing bandwidth usage.

Error Code Cache Expiration Set specific HTTP status codes to cache or not cache at the edge, ensuring that your website responds correctly to various types of requests and errors. 5 m

Tiered Cache Improve cache hit ratios by creating multiple layers of cache, optimizing performance by fetching frequently accessed data from closer caches.

Shared Cache Enhance performance by sharing cached resources across multiple users or accounts, reducing redundancy and improving content delivery efficiency. X

Stale Cache Manage the scale and duration of cached content to balance between fresh content delivery and reduced server load, ensuring optimal performance. X

Customization & Optimization

Image Optimization Automatically optimize images for the web by resizing, compressing, and converting them to the most efficient formats without compromising quality. X

Image Resizing Automatically adjust the dimensions of images to meet specific size requirements without altering the aspect ratio. This optimization ensures efficient content delivery and a consistent user experience across different devices and display contexts. X

WebP Optimization Automatically convert images to WebP format for improved performance and reduced file sizes, enhancing load times without sacrificing image quality. X

AVIF Optimization Optimize images by converting them to the AVIF format, achieving smaller file sizes and faster load times while maintaining high image quality. X

Gzip Image Compression Reduce image file sizes through advanced compression techniques without compromising visual quality, resulting in faster load times and reduced bandwidth usage.

Brotli Compression Enhance text content delivery with Brotli compression, achieving better compression ratios than traditional methods for faster load times and reduced data usage. X

Gzip Text Compression Compress text-based content such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files using the gzip algorithm. This compression reduces file sizes, improves load times, and enhances website performance by minimizing bandwidth usage.


Always Use HTTPS Automatically redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS, ensuring that your website is always served securely and protecting sensitive data from potential threats.

Origin Basic Authentication Protect your content with Basic Authentication, requiring a username and password for access, providing an additional layer of security. X

Security Token Secure your content by processing only links that contain the specified security token. This feature provides an additional layer of security, ensuring that only authorized requests can access and retrieve content, protecting against unauthorized access and potential abuse. X

Basic Bot Protection Block globally recognized bad bots to protect your assets and maintain strict access control measures. This feature enhances security by preventing bot-driven attacks and unauthorized resource usage. X

Hotlink Protection Prevent unauthorized usage of your resources by enabling Hotlink Protection, which blocks external websites from linking directly to your content and consuming your bandwidth. X

User Agent Rules Create custom rules based on User-Agent strings to tailor content delivery and security settings for different types of devices and browsers. X

IP Restriction Rules Control access to your content by defining IP address ranges that are allowed or denied, providing an extra layer of security for your website. X

Geo Blocking Customize access to your content based on geographic locations. Specify countries to either whitelist (allow access) or blacklist (block access), providing control over where your content is accessible and enhancing security measures. X

Geo Blocking – IP Restriction Restrict access to your content based on geographic location by defining IP restrictions, ensuring that your content is accessible only in authorized regions. X

Rate Limiting (IP-based) Protect your resources from abuse by limiting the number of requests from specific IP addresses, preventing excessive load and ensuring consistent performance. X

Rate Limiting Rules Create custom rate limiting rules to control the flow of traffic to your website, protecting against spikes in usage and ensuring consistent performance. X

True Client IP Header Identify the original client IP address behind a proxy or firewall by enabling the True Client IP Header, providing accurate analytics and security measures.

Standard DDoS Protection Safeguard your infrastructure against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks with our Standard DDoS Protection, ensuring that your website remains online and responsive during attacks.


CORS Header Control cross-origin resource sharing by enabling CORS headers, ensuring that your resources are accessible only from authorized domains.

Custom Header Create and manage custom HTTP header rules to tailor content delivery and security settings to your specific needs. X

WEB Application Firewall (WAF)

Number of Custom WAF RulesExpiration Create custom WAF rules to tailor security policies to your specific requirements, blocking malicious traffic and ensuring that your website remains secure. 5

Security Analytics Gain insights into security threats and trends with our comprehensive security analytics, helping you understand and mitigate potential risks to your website. 1 day

WAF Attack Score – ML Detection Leverage machine learning to detect and block sophisticated attacks in real-time with our WAF Attack Score, providing an additional layer of protection for your website. X

Monitoring-only Mode Monitor and manage your WAF settings in real-time, adjusting policies and configurations as needed to maintain optimal security and performance.


Global Anycast DNS Enhance DNS performance and reliability with our Global Anycast DNS, which routes requests to the nearest DNS server, reducing latency and improving response times.

Dashboard, User and API Access

Multi-user Administrative Access Allow multiple administrators to manage and configure your CDN settings with Multi-user Administrative Access, ensuring efficient and collaborative management. X

API Access Control access to your CDN settings through APIs, enabling automated management and integration with your existing workflows.

Role-based Access Control Define specific roles and permissions for different users with Role-based Access Control, ensuring that each user has the appropriate level of access to perform their tasks. X

Read-only User Access Provide read-only access to certain users, allowing them to view configurations and settings without making changes, ensuring transparency and security. X

Multi-org Setup Allows to manage multiple organizations within a single account. Each organization can have its own set of users, settings, and resources, enabling to maintain distinct operational environments. X

Insights & Analytics

Analytics Gain comprehensive insights into your CDN traffic and performance with our detailed analytics and reporting tools, helping you make informed decisions to optimize your website. 60 days

Real Time Log Push Receive real-time logs of your CDN traffic with Real Time Log Push, providing instant visibility into your content delivery and performance metrics. X


ISO 27001 Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations with our comprehensive compliance features, including ISO 27001, PCI DSS 3.2, and more.

PCI DSS 3.2 Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations with our comprehensive compliance features, including ISO 27001, PCI DSS 3.2, and more.


Ticket Support Manage support requests efficiently with our Ticket Support System, which tracks and resolves issues in a timely manner. X

Online Chat Support Get instant help with our Online Chat Support, connecting you directly with our support team for quick resolution of your issues. X

Slack Support Integrate our support directly into your existing Slack workspace for a seamless communication experience. A dedicated private Slack channel allows for rapid, asynchronous communication with our technical support team, facilitating collaborative troubleshooting and swift responses to user queries. X

24/7 Phone Support Access round-the-clock technical support via a dedicated phone line. Our support engineers are available at any time to provide immediate assistance for critical issues, ensuring expert guidance and rapid resolution of high-priority incidents. X

First Response Time Receive a prompt response to your support tickets with our guaranteed initial response time, ensuring that your issues are addressed quickly. X

Uptime SLA Commit to maintaining a specified 100% service availability with our Uptime SLA (Service Level Agreement). Our robust infrastructure, proactive monitoring, and rapid incident response protocols ensure minimal downtime, maximizing reliability and operational consistency. X

CSM-Led Onboarding Benefit from guided onboarding led by a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM). Enterprise customers receive tailored setup assistance, including detailed walkthroughs, configuration guidance, and best practice recommendations to optimize the initial deployment and integration of our services. X

Dedicated CSM and SE Collaborate with a Dedicated Customer Success Manager and Solutions Architect to optimize your CDN setup and ensure that you achieve your performance and security goals. X


Static CDN Our global network of edge servers ensures that your website content is delivered from the nearest location to your visitors, reducing latency and improving performance.

Dynamic CDN Optimize both static and dynamic content with our Dynamic CDN, which improves website performance by seamlessly managing image and content delivery.

Stream Stream live videos efficiently using advanced multicast transmission and network optimization technologies, ensuring a smooth viewing experience with minimal lag. X

Purge Remove cached content from all edge locations with the Purge feature, ensuring that updated content is immediately reflected across the CDN. 250 per day

Prefetch Efficiently store content locally to minimize repeated requests to your origin server, speeding up content delivery for end users. 50 per day

Cache Bypass On Cookie Bypass the cache based on specific cookies to ensure personalized content delivery without compromising CDN performance and scalability. 3

Query String Caching Cache each unique combination of query parameters individually to optimize the storage and retrieval of dynamic content. This feature ensures faster load times and responsive content delivery by efficiently delivering cached content tailored to specific query variations.

Cache Bypass wt Header Bypass the cache based on specific headers to optimize the delivery of dynamic content and ensure real-time updates are reflected instantly.

Page Rules Customize your content delivery and security settings on a page-by-page basis. With Page Rules, you can set up URL forwarding, manage caching settings, enforce SSL connections, and more, providing precise control over how the CDN interacts with your site. 50

TCP Acceleration Enhance website performance by accelerating the TCP settings, reducing latency and improving throughput with custom-tuned TCP optimizations.

Custom Error Page Deliver custom error pages from your origin server when standard HTTP error responses are generated, providing a seamless user experience. X

Disallow Cache Rule Specify URLs or patterns that should not be cached by the CDN to ensure real-time data delivery and up-to-date content for your users. 10

Origin Settings

Origin Server Manage how your content is fetched from the origin server, including specifying cacheable and non-cacheable content, compression settings, and origin failover rules. 1

Advanced Origin Customize advanced origin settings for optimal performance and reliability, including header management, custom caching rules, and load balancing. 1

Rewrite Origin URLs Transform dynamic URLs into cacheable URLs by rewriting them to improve cache efficiency and content delivery performance. 1

Redirect Handle From Origin Manage origin redirections effectively by configuring request headers and adding custom values. This feature ensures that redirection errors from the origin server are handled appropriately, maintaining request integrity and optimizing content delivery.

CNAME Setup Use CNAME records to set up your CDN configuration, simplifying DNS management and ensuring seamless content delivery.

Certificate Management

Bring Your Own SSL Certificate Upload and manage your own SSL/TLS certificates to secure connections between the CDN and your web server, ensuring maximum security for your content delivery.

HTTP/2 Enable HTTP/2 for faster, more efficient, and secure communication by reducing latency and improving page load speeds through header compression and multiplexing.

HTTP/3 Enhance the speed, efficiency, and security of HTTP requests by enabling HTTP/3, which leverages the QUIC transport protocol for improved performance and reduced latency. X

Let’s Encrypt Automatically generate and renew SSL/TLS certificates with Let’s Encrypt, ensuring your website remains secure without manual intervention.


Edge Cache Expiry Optimize content delivery by caching frequently accessed content at the edge, reducing load on the origin server and improving performance for end users. 1 h

Browser Cache Rule Manage how browsers cache your website content by defining parameters such as cache expiration times, cache control headers, and more, to optimize user experience and server load. 1 h

E-Tag Verification Verify content changes by using ETags to ensure that cached resources match the current version, reducing unnecessary downloads and improving cache efficiency. X

Robots.txt file Manage search engine crawling and indexing by configuring a Robots.txt file, ensuring that only the desired content is indexed while reducing bandwidth usage.

Error Code Cache Expiration Set specific HTTP status codes to cache or not cache at the edge, ensuring that your website responds correctly to various types of requests and errors. 2 m

Tiered Cache Improve cache hit ratios by creating multiple layers of cache, optimizing performance by fetching frequently accessed data from closer caches.

Shared Cache Enhance performance by sharing cached resources across multiple users or accounts, reducing redundancy and improving content delivery efficiency. X

Stale Cache Manage the scale and duration of cached content to balance between fresh content delivery and reduced server load, ensuring optimal performance. X

Customization & Optimization

Image Optimization Automatically optimize images for the web by resizing, compressing, and converting them to the most efficient formats without compromising quality. Paid add-on

Image Resizing Automatically adjust the dimensions of images to meet specific size requirements without altering the aspect ratio. This optimization ensures efficient content delivery and a consistent user experience across different devices and display contexts. Paid add-on

WebP Optimization Automatically convert images to WebP format for improved performance and reduced file sizes, enhancing load times without sacrificing image quality. Paid add-on

AVIF Optimization Optimize images by converting them to the AVIF format, achieving smaller file sizes and faster load times while maintaining high image quality. X

Gzip Image Compression Reduce image file sizes through advanced compression techniques without compromising visual quality, resulting in faster load times and reduced bandwidth usage.

Brotli Compression Enhance text content delivery with Brotli compression, achieving better compression ratios than traditional methods for faster load times and reduced data usage.

Gzip Text Compression Compress text-based content such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files using the gzip algorithm. This compression reduces file sizes, improves load times, and enhances website performance by minimizing bandwidth usage.


Always Use HTTPS Automatically redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS, ensuring that your website is always served securely and protecting sensitive data from potential threats.

Origin Basic Authentication Protect your content with Basic Authentication, requiring a username and password for access, providing an additional layer of security.

Security Token Secure your content by processing only links that contain the specified security token. This feature provides an additional layer of security, ensuring that only authorized requests can access and retrieve content, protecting against unauthorized access and potential abuse. X

Basic Bot Protection Block globally recognized bad bots to protect your assets and maintain strict access control measures. This feature enhances security by preventing bot-driven attacks and unauthorized resource usage. X

Hotlink Protection Prevent unauthorized usage of your resources by enabling Hotlink Protection, which blocks external websites from linking directly to your content and consuming your bandwidth. 10

User Agent Rules Create custom rules based on User-Agent strings to tailor content delivery and security settings for different types of devices and browsers. 10

IP Restriction Rules Control access to your content by defining IP address ranges that are allowed or denied, providing an extra layer of security for your website. 50

Geo Blocking Customize access to your content based on geographic locations. Specify countries to either whitelist (allow access) or blacklist (block access), providing control over where your content is accessible and enhancing security measures. X

Geo Blocking – IP Restriction Restrict access to your content based on geographic location by defining IP restrictions, ensuring that your content is accessible only in authorized regions. X

Rate Limiting (IP-based) Protect your resources from abuse by limiting the number of requests from specific IP addresses, preventing excessive load and ensuring consistent performance. X

Rate Limiting Rules Create custom rate limiting rules to control the flow of traffic to your website, protecting against spikes in usage and ensuring consistent performance. X

True Client IP Header Identify the original client IP address behind a proxy or firewall by enabling the True Client IP Header, providing accurate analytics and security measures.

Standard DDoS Protection Safeguard your infrastructure against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks with our Standard DDoS Protection, ensuring that your website remains online and responsive during attacks.


CORS Header Control cross-origin resource sharing by enabling CORS headers, ensuring that your resources are accessible only from authorized domains.

Custom Header Create and manage custom HTTP header rules to tailor content delivery and security settings to your specific needs. X

WEB Application Firewall (WAF)

Number of Custom WAF Rules Create custom WAF rules to tailor security policies to your specific requirements, blocking malicious traffic and ensuring that your website remains secure. 20

Security Analytics Gain insights into security threats and trends with our comprehensive security analytics, helping you understand and mitigate potential risks to your website. 1 day

WAF Attack Score – ML Detection Leverage machine learning to detect and block sophisticated attacks in real-time with our WAF Attack Score, providing an additional layer of protection for your website. X

Monitoring-only Mode Monitor and manage your WAF settings in real-time, adjusting policies and configurations as needed to maintain optimal security and performance.


Global Anycast DNS Enhance DNS performance and reliability with our Global Anycast DNS, which routes requests to the nearest DNS server, reducing latency and improving response times.

Dashboard, User and API Access

Multi-user Administrative Access Allow multiple administrators to manage and configure your CDN settings with Multi-user Administrative Access, ensuring efficient and collaborative management. X

API Access Control access to your CDN settings through APIs, enabling automated management and integration with your existing workflows.

Role-based Access Control Define specific roles and permissions for different users with Role-based Access Control, ensuring that each user has the appropriate level of access to perform their tasks. X

Read-only User Access Provide read-only access to certain users, allowing them to view configurations and settings without making changes, ensuring transparency and security. X

Multi-org Setup Allows to manage multiple organizations within a single account. Each organization can have its own set of users, settings, and resources, enabling to maintain distinct operational environments. X

Insights & Analytics

Analytics Gain comprehensive insights into your CDN traffic and performance with our detailed analytics and reporting tools, helping you make informed decisions to optimize your website. 90 days

Real Time Log Push Receive real-time logs of your CDN traffic with Real Time Log Push, providing instant visibility into your content delivery and performance metrics. X


ISO 27001 Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations with our comprehensive compliance features, including ISO 27001, PCI DSS 3.2, and more.

PCI DSS 3.2 Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations with our comprehensive compliance features, including ISO 27001, PCI DSS 3.2, and more.


Ticket Support Manage support requests efficiently with our Ticket Support System, which tracks and resolves issues in a timely manner. Within 24 hours

Online Chat Support Get instant help with our Online Chat Support, connecting you directly with our support team for quick resolution of your issues. X

Slack Support Integrate our support directly into your existing Slack workspace for a seamless communication experience. A dedicated private Slack channel allows for rapid, asynchronous communication with our technical support team, facilitating collaborative troubleshooting and swift responses to user queries. X

24/7 Phone Support Access round-the-clock technical support via a dedicated phone line. Our support engineers are available at any time to provide immediate assistance for critical issues, ensuring expert guidance and rapid resolution of high-priority incidents. X

First Response Time Receive a prompt response to your support tickets with our guaranteed initial response time, ensuring that your issues are addressed quickly. Within 24 hours

Uptime SLA Commit to maintaining a specified 100% service availability with our Uptime SLA (Service Level Agreement). Our robust infrastructure, proactive monitoring, and rapid incident response protocols ensure minimal downtime, maximizing reliability and operational consistency. X

CSM-Led Onboarding Benefit from guided onboarding led by a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM). Enterprise customers receive tailored setup assistance, including detailed walkthroughs, configuration guidance, and best practice recommendations to optimize the initial deployment and integration of our services. X

Dedicated CSM and SE Collaborate with a Dedicated Customer Success Manager and Solutions Architect to optimize your CDN setup and ensure that you achieve your performance and security goals. X


Static CDN Our global network of edge servers ensures that your website content is delivered from the nearest location to your visitors, reducing latency and improving performance.

Dynamic CDN Optimize both static and dynamic content with our Dynamic CDN, which improves website performance by seamlessly managing image and content delivery.

Stream Stream live videos efficiently using advanced multicast transmission and network optimization technologies, ensuring a smooth viewing experience with minimal lag. 1

Purge Remove cached content from all edge locations with the Purge feature, ensuring that updated content is immediately reflected across the CDN. 500 per day

Prefetch Efficiently store content locally to minimize repeated requests to your origin server, speeding up content delivery for end users. 100 per day

Cache Bypass On Cookie Bypass the cache based on specific cookies to ensure personalized content delivery without compromising CDN performance and scalability. 5

Query String Caching Cache each unique combination of query parameters individually to optimize the storage and retrieval of dynamic content. This feature ensures faster load times and responsive content delivery by efficiently delivering cached content tailored to specific query variations.

Cache Bypass wt Header Bypass the cache based on specific headers to optimize the delivery of dynamic content and ensure real-time updates are reflected instantly.

Page Rules Customize your content delivery and security settings on a page-by-page basis. With Page Rules, you can set up URL forwarding, manage caching settings, enforce SSL connections, and more, providing precise control over how the CDN interacts with your site. 125

TCP Acceleration Enhance website performance by accelerating the TCP settings, reducing latency and improving throughput with custom-tuned TCP optimizations.

Custom Error Page Deliver custom error pages from your origin server when standard HTTP error responses are generated, providing a seamless user experience.

Disallow Cache Rule Specify URLs or patterns that should not be cached by the CDN to ensure real-time data delivery and up-to-date content for your users. 125

Origin Settings

Origin Server Manage how your content is fetched from the origin server, including specifying cacheable and non-cacheable content, compression settings, and origin failover rules. 5

Advanced Origin Customize advanced origin settings for optimal performance and reliability, including header management, custom caching rules, and load balancing. 5

Rewrite Origin URLs Transform dynamic URLs into cacheable URLs by rewriting them to improve cache efficiency and content delivery performance. 5

Redirect Handle From Origin Manage origin redirections effectively by configuring request headers and adding custom values. This feature ensures that redirection errors from the origin server are handled appropriately, maintaining request integrity and optimizing content delivery.

CNAME Setup Use CNAME records to set up your CDN configuration, simplifying DNS management and ensuring seamless content delivery.

Certificate Management

Bring Your Own SSL Certificate Upload and manage your own SSL/TLS certificates to secure connections between the CDN and your web server, ensuring maximum security for your content delivery.

HTTP/2 Enable HTTP/2 for faster, more efficient, and secure communication by reducing latency and improving page load speeds through header compression and multiplexing.

HTTP/3 Enhance the speed, efficiency, and security of HTTP requests by enabling HTTP/3, which leverages the QUIC transport protocol for improved performance and reduced latency. X

Let’s Encrypt Automatically generate and renew SSL/TLS certificates with Let’s Encrypt, ensuring your website remains secure without manual intervention.


Edge Cache Expiry Optimize content delivery by caching frequently accessed content at the edge, reducing load on the origin server and improving performance for end users. 1 s

Browser Cache Rule Manage how browsers cache your website content by defining parameters such as cache expiration times, cache control headers, and more, to optimize user experience and server load. 15 m

E-Tag Verification Verify content changes by using ETags to ensure that cached resources match the current version, reducing unnecessary downloads and improving cache efficiency.

Robots.txt file Manage search engine crawling and indexing by configuring a Robots.txt file, ensuring that only the desired content is indexed while reducing bandwidth usage.

Error Code Cache Expiration Set specific HTTP status codes to cache or not cache at the edge, ensuring that your website responds correctly to various types of requests and errors. 1 m

Tiered Cache Improve cache hit ratios by creating multiple layers of cache, optimizing performance by fetching frequently accessed data from closer caches.

Shared Cache Enhance performance by sharing cached resources across multiple users or accounts, reducing redundancy and improving content delivery efficiency.

Stale Cache Manage the scale and duration of cached content to balance between fresh content delivery and reduced server load, ensuring optimal performance.

Customization & Optimization

Image Optimization Automatically optimize images for the web by resizing, compressing, and converting them to the most efficient formats without compromising quality. Paid add-on

Image Resizing Automatically adjust the dimensions of images to meet specific size requirements without altering the aspect ratio. This optimization ensures efficient content delivery and a consistent user experience across different devices and display contexts. Paid add-on

WebP Optimization Automatically convert images to WebP format for improved performance and reduced file sizes, enhancing load times without sacrificing image quality. Paid add-on

AVIF Optimization Optimize images by converting them to the AVIF format, achieving smaller file sizes and faster load times while maintaining high image quality. X

Gzip Image Compression Reduce image file sizes through advanced compression techniques without compromising visual quality, resulting in faster load times and reduced bandwidth usage.

Brotli Compression Enhance text content delivery with Brotli compression, achieving better compression ratios than traditional methods for faster load times and reduced data usage.

Gzip Text Compression Compress text-based content such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files using the gzip algorithm. This compression reduces file sizes, improves load times, and enhances website performance by minimizing bandwidth usage.


Gzip Text Compression Automatically redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS, ensuring that your website is always served securely and protecting sensitive data from potential threats.

Origin Basic Authentication Protect your content with Basic Authentication, requiring a username and password for access, providing an additional layer of security.

Security Token Secure your content by processing only links that contain the specified security token. This feature provides an additional layer of security, ensuring that only authorized requests can access and retrieve content, protecting against unauthorized access and potential abuse.

Basic Bot Protection Block globally recognized bad bots to protect your assets and maintain strict access control measures. This feature enhances security by preventing bot-driven attacks and unauthorized resource usage.

Hotlink Protection Prevent unauthorized usage of your resources by enabling Hotlink Protection, which blocks external websites from linking directly to your content and consuming your bandwidth. 20

User Agent Rules Create custom rules based on User-Agent strings to tailor content delivery and security settings for different types of devices and browsers. 20

IP Restriction Rules Control access to your content by defining IP address ranges that are allowed or denied, providing an extra layer of security for your website. 100

Geo Blocking Customize access to your content based on geographic locations. Specify countries to either whitelist (allow access) or blacklist (block access), providing control over where your content is accessible and enhancing security measures.

Geo Blocking – IP Restriction Restrict access to your content based on geographic location by defining IP restrictions, ensuring that your content is accessible only in authorized regions.

Rate Limiting (IP-based) Protect your resources from abuse by limiting the number of requests from specific IP addresses, preventing excessive load and ensuring consistent performance.

Rate Limiting Rules Create custom rate limiting rules to control the flow of traffic to your website, protecting against spikes in usage and ensuring consistent performance. 5

True Client IP Header Identify the original client IP address behind a proxy or firewall by enabling the True Client IP Header, providing accurate analytics and security measures.

Standard DDoS Protection Safeguard your infrastructure against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks with our Standard DDoS Protection, ensuring that your website remains online and responsive during attacks.


CORS Header Control cross-origin resource sharing by enabling CORS headers, ensuring that your resources are accessible only from authorized domains.

Custom Header Create and manage custom HTTP header rules to tailor content delivery and security settings to your specific needs.

WEB Application Firewall (WAF)

Number of Custom WAF Rules Create custom WAF rules to tailor security policies to your specific requirements, blocking malicious traffic and ensuring that your website remains secure. 100

Security Analytics Gain insights into security threats and trends with our comprehensive security analytics, helping you understand and mitigate potential risks to your website. 7 days

WAF Attack Score – ML Detection Leverage machine learning to detect and block sophisticated attacks in real-time with our WAF Attack Score, providing an additional layer of protection for your website. X

Monitoring-only Mode Monitor and manage your WAF settings in real-time, adjusting policies and configurations as needed to maintain optimal security and performance.


Global Anycast DNS Enhance DNS performance and reliability with our Global Anycast DNS, which routes requests to the nearest DNS server, reducing latency and improving response times.

Dashboard, User and API Access

Multi-user Administrative Access Allow multiple administrators to manage and configure your CDN settings with Multi-user Administrative Access, ensuring efficient and collaborative management.

API Access Control access to your CDN settings through APIs, enabling automated management and integration with your existing workflows.

Role-based Access Control Define specific roles and permissions for different users with Role-based Access Control, ensuring that each user has the appropriate level of access to perform their tasks.

Read-only User Access Provide read-only access to certain users, allowing them to view configurations and settings without making changes, ensuring transparency and security.

Multi-org Setup Allows to manage multiple organizations within a single account. Each organization can have its own set of users, settings, and resources, enabling to maintain distinct operational environments.

Insights & Analytics

Analytics Gain comprehensive insights into your CDN traffic and performance with our detailed analytics and reporting tools, helping you make informed decisions to optimize your website. 120 days

Real Time Log Push Receive real-time logs of your CDN traffic with Real Time Log Push, providing instant visibility into your content delivery and performance metrics. Paid add-on


ISO 27001 Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations with our comprehensive compliance features, including ISO 27001, PCI DSS 3.2, and more.

PCI DSS 3.2 Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations with our comprehensive compliance features, including ISO 27001, PCI DSS 3.2, and more.


Ticket Support Manage support requests efficiently with our Ticket Support System, which tracks and resolves issues in a timely manner. 24/7

Online Chat Support Get instant help with our Online Chat Support, connecting you directly with our support team for quick resolution of your issues.

Slack Support Integrate our support directly into your existing Slack workspace for a seamless communication experience. A dedicated private Slack channel allows for rapid, asynchronous communication with our technical support team, facilitating collaborative troubleshooting and swift responses to user queries. X

S24/7 Phone Support Access round-the-clock technical support via a dedicated phone line. Our support engineers are available at any time to provide immediate assistance for critical issues, ensuring expert guidance and rapid resolution of high-priority incidents. X

First Response Time Receive a prompt response to your support tickets with our guaranteed initial response time, ensuring that your issues are addressed quickly. 15 m

Uptime SLA Commit to maintaining a specified 100% service availability with our Uptime SLA (Service Level Agreement). Our robust infrastructure, proactive monitoring, and rapid incident response protocols ensure minimal downtime, maximizing reliability and operational consistency. 100%

CSM-Led Onboarding Benefit from guided onboarding led by a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM). Enterprise customers receive tailored setup assistance, including detailed walkthroughs, configuration guidance, and best practice recommendations to optimize the initial deployment and integration of our services. X

Dedicated CSM and SE Collaborate with a Dedicated Customer Success Manager and Solutions Architect to optimize your CDN setup and ensure that you achieve your performance and security goals. X


Static CDN Our global network of edge servers ensures that your website content is delivered from the nearest location to your visitors, reducing latency and improving performance.

Dynamic CDN Optimize both static and dynamic content with our Dynamic CDN, which improves website performance by seamlessly managing image and content delivery.

Stream Stream live videos efficiently using advanced multicast transmission and network optimization technologies, ensuring a smooth viewing experience with minimal lag. 3

Purge Remove cached content from all edge locations with the Purge feature, ensuring that updated content is immediately reflected across the CDN. 5000 per day

Prefetch Efficiently store content locally to minimize repeated requests to your origin server, speeding up content delivery for end users. 1000 per day

Cache Bypass On Cookie Bypass the cache based on specific cookies to ensure personalized content delivery without compromising CDN performance and scalability. 10

Query String Caching Cache each unique combination of query parameters individually to optimize the storage and retrieval of dynamic content. This feature ensures faster load times and responsive content delivery by efficiently delivering cached content tailored to specific query variations.

Cache Bypass wt Header Bypass the cache based on specific headers to optimize the delivery of dynamic content and ensure real-time updates are reflected instantly.

Page Rules Customize your content delivery and security settings on a page-by-page basis. With Page Rules, you can set up URL forwarding, manage caching settings, enforce SSL connections, and more, providing precise control over how the CDN interacts with your site. 125

TCP Acceleration Enhance website performance by accelerating the TCP settings, reducing latency and improving throughput with custom-tuned TCP optimizations.

Custom Error Page Deliver custom error pages from your origin server when standard HTTP error responses are generated, providing a seamless user experience.

Disallow Cache Rule Specify URLs or patterns that should not be cached by the CDN to ensure real-time data delivery and up-to-date content for your users. 125

Origin Settings

Origin Server Manage how your content is fetched from the origin server, including specifying cacheable and non-cacheable content, compression settings, and origin failover rules. 50

Advanced Origin Customize advanced origin settings for optimal performance and reliability, including header management, custom caching rules, and load balancing. 20

Rewrite Origin URLs Transform dynamic URLs into cacheable URLs by rewriting them to improve cache efficiency and content delivery performance. 10

Redirect Handle From Origin Manage origin redirections effectively by configuring request headers and adding custom values. This feature ensures that redirection errors from the origin server are handled appropriately, maintaining request integrity and optimizing content delivery.

CNAME Setup Use CNAME records to set up your CDN configuration, simplifying DNS management and ensuring seamless content delivery.

Certificate Management

Bring Your Own SSL Certificate Upload and manage your own SSL/TLS certificates to secure connections between the CDN and your web server, ensuring maximum security for your content delivery.

HTTP/2 Enable HTTP/2 for faster, more efficient, and secure communication by reducing latency and improving page load speeds through header compression and multiplexing.

HTTP/3 Enhance the speed, efficiency, and security of HTTP requests by enabling HTTP/3, which leverages the QUIC transport protocol for improved performance and reduced latency.

Let’s Encrypt Automatically generate and renew SSL/TLS certificates with Let’s Encrypt, ensuring your website remains secure without manual intervention.


Edge Cache Expiry Optimize content delivery by caching frequently accessed content at the edge, reducing load on the origin server and improving performance for end users. 1 s

Browser Cache Rule Manage how browsers cache your website content by defining parameters such as cache expiration times, cache control headers, and more, to optimize user experience and server load. 1 s

E-Tag Verification Verify content changes by using ETags to ensure that cached resources match the current version, reducing unnecessary downloads and improving cache efficiency.

Robots.txt file Manage search engine crawling and indexing by configuring a Robots.txt file, ensuring that only the desired content is indexed while reducing bandwidth usage.

Error Code Cache Expiration Set specific HTTP status codes to cache or not cache at the edge, ensuring that your website responds correctly to various types of requests and errors. 1 s

Tiered Cache Improve cache hit ratios by creating multiple layers of cache, optimizing performance by fetching frequently accessed data from closer caches.

Shared Cache Enhance performance by sharing cached resources across multiple users or accounts, reducing redundancy and improving content delivery efficiency.

Stale Cache Manage the scale and duration of cached content to balance between fresh content delivery and reduced server load, ensuring optimal performance.

Customization & Optimization

Image Optimization Automatically optimize images for the web by resizing, compressing, and converting them to the most efficient formats without compromising quality. Paid add-on

Image Resizing Automatically adjust the dimensions of images to meet specific size requirements without altering the aspect ratio. This optimization ensures efficient content delivery and a consistent user experience across different devices and display contexts. Paid add-on

WebP Optimization Automatically convert images to WebP format for improved performance and reduced file sizes, enhancing load times without sacrificing image quality. Paid add-on

AVIF Optimization Optimize images by converting them to the AVIF format, achieving smaller file sizes and faster load times while maintaining high image quality. Paid add-on

Gzip Image Compression Reduce image file sizes through advanced compression techniques without compromising visual quality, resulting in faster load times and reduced bandwidth usage.

Brotli Compression Enhance text content delivery with Brotli compression, achieving better compression ratios than traditional methods for faster load times and reduced data usage.

Gzip Text Compression Compress text-based content such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files using the gzip algorithm. This compression reduces file sizes, improves load times, and enhances website performance by minimizing bandwidth usage.


Always Use HTTPS Automatically redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS, ensuring that your website is always served securely and protecting sensitive data from potential threats.

Origin Basic Authentication Protect your content with Basic Authentication, requiring a username and password for access, providing an additional layer of security.

Security Token Secure your content by processing only links that contain the specified security token. This feature provides an additional layer of security, ensuring that only authorized requests can access and retrieve content, protecting against unauthorized access and potential abuse.

Basic Bot Protection Block globally recognized bad bots to protect your assets and maintain strict access control measures. This feature enhances security by preventing bot-driven attacks and unauthorized resource usage.

Hotlink Protection Prevent unauthorized usage of your resources by enabling Hotlink Protection, which blocks external websites from linking directly to your content and consuming your bandwidth. 200

User Agent Rules Create custom rules based on User-Agent strings to tailor content delivery and security settings for different types of devices and browsers. 200

IP Restriction Rules Control access to your content by defining IP address ranges that are allowed or denied, providing an extra layer of security for your website. 500

Geo Blocking Customize access to your content based on geographic locations. Specify countries to either whitelist (allow access) or blacklist (block access), providing control over where your content is accessible and enhancing security measures.

Geo Blocking – IP Restriction Restrict access to your content based on geographic location by defining IP restrictions, ensuring that your content is accessible only in authorized regions.

Rate Limiting (IP-based) Protect your resources from abuse by limiting the number of requests from specific IP addresses, preventing excessive load and ensuring consistent performance.

Rate Limiting Rules Create custom rate limiting rules to control the flow of traffic to your website, protecting against spikes in usage and ensuring consistent performance. 100

True Client IP Header Identify the original client IP address behind a proxy or firewall by enabling the True Client IP Header, providing accurate analytics and security measures.

Standard DDoS Protection Safeguard your infrastructure against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks with our Standard DDoS Protection, ensuring that your website remains online and responsive during attacks.


CORS Header Control cross-origin resource sharing by enabling CORS headers, ensuring that your resources are accessible only from authorized domains.

Custom Header Create and manage custom HTTP header rules to tailor content delivery and security settings to your specific needs.

WEB Application Firewall (WAF)

Number of Custom WAF Rules Create custom WAF rules to tailor security policies to your specific requirements, blocking malicious traffic and ensuring that your website remains secure. 1000

Security Analytics Gain insights into security threats and trends with our comprehensive security analytics, helping you understand and mitigate potential risks to your website. 180 days

WAF Attack Score – ML Detection Leverage machine learning to detect and block sophisticated attacks in real-time with our WAF Attack Score, providing an additional layer of protection for your website.

Monitoring-only Mode Monitor and manage your WAF settings in real-time, adjusting policies and configurations as needed to maintain optimal security and performance.


Global Anycast DNS Enhance DNS performance and reliability with our Global Anycast DNS, which routes requests to the nearest DNS server, reducing latency and improving response times.

Dashboard, User and API Access

Multi-user Administrative Access Allow multiple administrators to manage and configure your CDN settings with Multi-user Administrative Access, ensuring efficient and collaborative management.

API Access Control access to your CDN settings through APIs, enabling automated management and integration with your existing workflows.

Role-based Access Control Define specific roles and permissions for different users with Role-based Access Control, ensuring that each user has the appropriate level of access to perform their tasks.

Read-only User Access Provide read-only access to certain users, allowing them to view configurations and settings without making changes, ensuring transparency and security.

Multi-org Setup Allows to manage multiple organizations within a single account. Each organization can have its own set of users, settings, and resources, enabling to maintain distinct operational environments.

Insights & Analytics

Analytics Gain comprehensive insights into your CDN traffic and performance with our detailed analytics and reporting tools, helping you make informed decisions to optimize your website. 365 days

Real Time Log Push Receive real-time logs of your CDN traffic with Real Time Log Push, providing instant visibility into your content delivery and performance metrics. Paid add-on


ISO 27001 Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations with our comprehensive compliance features, including ISO 27001, PCI DSS 3.2, and more.

PCI DSS 3.2 Ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations with our comprehensive compliance features, including ISO 27001, PCI DSS 3.2, and more.


Ticket Support Manage support requests efficiently with our Ticket Support System, which tracks and resolves issues in a timely manner. 24/7 with SLA

Online Chat Support Get instant help with our Online Chat Support, connecting you directly with our support team for quick resolution of your issues.

Slack Support Integrate our support directly into your existing Slack workspace for a seamless communication experience. A dedicated private Slack channel allows for rapid, asynchronous communication with our technical support team, facilitating collaborative troubleshooting and swift responses to user queries.

24/7 Phone Support Access round-the-clock technical support via a dedicated phone line. Our support engineers are available at any time to provide immediate assistance for critical issues, ensuring expert guidance and rapid resolution of high-priority incidents.

First Response Time Receive a prompt response to your support tickets with our guaranteed initial response time, ensuring that your issues are addressed quickly. 3 m

Uptime SLA Commit to maintaining a specified 100% service availability with our Uptime SLA (Service Level Agreement). Our robust infrastructure, proactive monitoring, and rapid incident response protocols ensure minimal downtime, maximizing reliability and operational consistency. 100%

CSM-Led Onboarding Benefit from guided onboarding led by a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM). Enterprise customers receive tailored setup assistance, including detailed walkthroughs, configuration guidance, and best practice recommendations to optimize the initial deployment and integration of our services.

Dedicated CSM and SE Collaborate with a Dedicated Customer Success Manager and Solutions Architect to optimize your CDN setup and ensure that you achieve your performance and security goals.

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