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4 Main Advantages of Using a CDN for Your Site Or Blog

Taking advantage of a CDN can be advantageous for a number of websites. You can see bigger and greater improvement from websites that are heavy with media. An example of the type of sites that can benefit from a Content Delivery Network is blogs. A Content Delivery Network has a goal of distributing static media to the website users who view a certain site.

A CDN uses a DNS resolution that is geographical, and this allows the website users to use a CDN server that is close to where there geographical location is. The content can be delivered much quicker to the browsers.

Faster is always accepted when it comes to loading web pages. The content of a blog or any type of website can be fascinating, but if website viewers have to wait a number of seconds for the page to load, the may choose to view another website.

What Are Advantages of Using a CDN for Your Site Or Blog?


When sites are slow, clicks are lost which can affect advertising revenue. If a user is visiting your site for the first time, this could make a bad first impression. Having a CDN can make a great first impression for first time site viewers.

Users Will Have A Better Experience

There can be a decline in the bounce rate once you start using a CDN. When the bounce rate declines, you will see an increase in the number pages that are being viewed. A faster website will help increase and improve experiences for the users.

Search Engine Optimization

The faster websites will generally receive higher rankings in the various search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

No Crashes

When a website has proper tactics in place, such as a CDN, the site will have a less likely chance of crashing. There are a number of servers that can handle the distributions from CDN. All of the traffic does not have to go to your main server when using CDN.

A number of people have great advice that they add on their blogs and websites, and they also provide numerous information for a variety of people. It is important to keep the sites running at a fast pace for the viewers. If you expect a volume of traffic coming to your site, it can sometimes get overloaded causing the site to run slower or even crash. Having a CDN will definitely help keep your site running at the speed your users will love.

Contact us for more information on how you can take advantage of a content delivery network.

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